Kinatrofina® tradition welcomes renewal

Kinatrofina® tradition welcomes renewal
Kinatrofina®, a successful product that over the years has confirmed the interest and approval of doctors and paediatricians, attracts new attention with an element of innovation.
Difass R&D has combined market demand with the most recent scientific acquisitions, taking the opportunity to make the Kinatrofina® formula even more complete, now perfected with the integration of Vitamin D!
Each dose (12.5 ml scoop) of Kinatrofina® provides 7.5 mcg of Vitamin D, for a total of 600 UI in the maximum daily dose of two scoops.
Kinatrofina® therefore responds to the most recent knowledge that identifies the OPTIMAL daily dose in 600 UI of Vitamin D. Recent reviews in the literature specify that a daily dosage of between 400-1000 UI is most appropriate to reduce the risk of acute respiratory infections in the general population (0-95 years).